Greetings from South Korea!
To be honest, I'm typing this words - half-asleep. My eyes are all droopy now so I just want to make this post quick! This is what I wore for out first day in Seoul. I know it looks like a bit off cause it may seem that I'm wearing winter clothes when in fact it's spring here already. (Why hello there cherry blossoms!) Well here's what I have to say. The 39 to 9 degrees Celsius drop is way too overwhelming for me. So here I was wearing the thickest jacket that I could ever find my closet. My sister and I even wanted to wear gloves!
Pardon me on insisting to wear winter clothes? haha
/ Jacket: Topshop / Skirt: H&M / Bag: Naraya / Boots: SM Dept Store /
P.S. I've got tons of travel diaries in store for you so keep checking back!
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